
Cohomology charts

All of these charts date back from around 2000, so if you're looking for new stuff you will probably be disappointed here.

2-primary stuff

Descriptiondata30 d/p70 d/ppan
S0The Spheretarpspsps
M2mod 2 Moore spacetarpdfpdfpdf
CetaCofibre of etatarpspsps
CnuCofibre of nutarpspsps
CsigmaCofibre of sigmatarpspsps
A1An A-Module structure on A(1)tarpspsps
A2An A-Module structure on A(2)tarpspsps
DA1Double of A1tarpspsps
questQuestionmark complextarpspsps
sq0Image of doubling maptarpspsps
tmfTopological modular formstarpspsps
tmf-hurAlgebraic tmf Hurewicz imagetarpspsps

Here's a big image that shows Ext up to dimension 210. There's also a page that shows timing information for the computation of the resolution, some awkward datafiles for root invariants, the algebraic tmf-based Hurewicz map, and Sq0.

There is also a telephone-book-like-thing ahss.dvi.gz, with sources ahss.tex.gz and ahssdat.tex.gz. Finally, old excerpts of the resolution can be found here (small) and here (still small).

Odd-primary stuff

There are some old charts available: S at 3, S/3, S/(3,v1), S at 5, S at 5 [bigger], S/5, S/(5,v1), S/(5,v1,v2), a certain 3 cell complex at 3.
(Here's the same again in postscript format: S at 3, S/3, S/(3,v1), S at 5, S at 5 [bigger], S/5, S/(5,v1), S/(5,v1,v2), a certain 3 cell complex at 3.)